2021 – in process, kiln-sculpture
Julia Borderie & Eloïse Le Gallo
Production : La Station gare des mines in collaboration with Rosa-Parks social and cultural center
Digging, building, destructing and inhabiting, are all dynamic actions central to those around Station – Gare des Mines, on ZAC Gare des Mines – Fillettes, which has been under construction for several years. Julia Borderie and Eloïse Le Gallo are interested in exploring the different states of transformation of the earth and the techniques used to build constructions for these transformations, through their aesthetic and anthropological dimensions.
For “Chantier permanent”, Julia Borderie and Eloïse Le Gallo invited a group from local social groups to engage with the various layers of earth that make up the surrounding urban landscape. This includes the construction sites where all these tools and materials interconnect.
The workshops lead to the construction of a sculpture-furnace made out of in situ clay. This perennial work-tool is an invitation for new uses at La Station.
This project is supported by the DRAC Île-de-France (Culture et lien social 2021), the cultural endowment of the 18th arrondissement and the Région Île-de-France (Aide Projets artistiques et culturels quartiers populaires).
Step of construction of the kiln
La Station – Gare des Mines, 2021