2019 – Limestone, flint, cement, humus, glass tube |
Installation in 2 pieces | 290 x 30 cm; 100 x 70 cm
Julia Borderie & Eloïse Le Gallo
This piece represent a schematic of the presence of water in the exhibition space based on an intervention by the energetician Sophie Rusniok. This represents an interpretive materialization of exchanges had with Miguel Biard, archaeologist and Xavier Questiaux, stonemason.
This sculpture is composed of three segments: one crosses the floor of the exhibition space indicated by Sophie’s devining copper rods. The other segment further in the space, is deployed in a telescopic form.
Between masonry and sediment, it is composed of limestone flint and sand, evoking the mineralized memory of the ancient sea of the Paris basin. Like a straw, a glass tube placed into the top of the column emphasizes the relation between the body and the underground.

Photo credit : Salim Santa Lucia
Là où le souffle anime la mer gelée 2019
Limestone, flint, cement, humus, glass tube
Installation in 2 pieces
290 x 30 cm
100 x 70 cm